22 July 2013

Homemade Speck and Mozzarella di Bufala Pizza

Summer is back and that can only mean one thing: Al Fresco dinners and Italian cooking!
I love pizzas, but this dish has been brutalized and played with so many times that it has somehow taken on a reputation of a low quality fast food dish. The truth is Pizza doesn't tolerate well being neglectfully cooked, it needs attention to details, mainly Fresh High Quality products!

First the dough, make it yourself and you'll know what ingredients were used! It should be as simple as Flour, Water, Baker's Yeast and Salt! On a weekend just mix into a bowl 500g of flour, 250 ml of water, a pack of dry baker's yeast and 2 tsp of salt. Kneed for about 10 minutes and let the dough rest for an hour in a bowl, covered with cling film.  Your dough is now ready, cut in 4 and freeze it if you want to use it later.

Tomato Sauce: Don't buy ready made pizza sauce, you'll never achieve the same flavour balance then if you made it yourself.

- 1 can of chopped Tomatoes
- 2 fresh Tomatoes
- Half a big Onion
- 1 big clove of Garlic
- 1 tsp of Chili Powder
- 1 tsp of Oregano
- 1 tsp of herbes de Provence
- 1 tsp of Olive Oil
- Salt

Chop all the ingredients and put them in a frying pan on medium heat, let simmer for an hour. Once again, you can freeze the sauce if you're not planning on using it right away.

The Pizza making:

Preheat your oven at the maximum temperature possible (275°C for me).
Roll the pizza dough on a very well floured surface. You can either use a rolling ping, or simply use your hands by gently stretching the dough and brushing it in circles.

Now only the fun part is left, place the dough on a pizza pan, spread the tomato sauce, (don't use too much or the dough will become soggy), and garnish with speck ham, artichoke hearts, mozzarella, oregano, olives...etc Put in the hot oven for about 10 minutes (you can test if it's cooked by putting a spatula under the pizza, the pizza shouldn't stick to the pan).

Finish by adding fresh basil and some olive oil, and you'll be able enjoy a pizza that will most likely be better than any pizza you'll ever taste outside of Italy!

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